Casserole Porridge
Food is not divided into levels, whether it is in the hotel or street food, as long as you like it is food. For those who love food, it is not just a taste enjoyment, but also a kind of spiritual enjoyment. Today I will share with my favorite food—casserole porridge.So how to make casserole porridge?Let’s take a look today.
How to Make Casserole Porridge
Step 1
Make porridge first. The exact amount depends on how many people there are. Put the rice in the casserole, wash it clean and cook on a large fire. Because porridge is easy to stick to the bottom, when cooking, pay attention to mixing!
Step 2
Use sweet and crisp golden turnips. Mince the radish, put it directly in the porridge, and cook together.
Step 3
Wash the shrimp and cut off the head. Scratch from the middle and pick the black gut. Then add oil, salt, soy sauce and stir. Then pour it into the porridge. (If it’s too troublesome, you don’t need to remove the black thread. The shrimp can also be cut in half and made according to your favorite method.)
Step 4
Wash the chicken and cut into small pieces. Then put the oil, salt, soy sauce and stir. Put in the porridge and cook together. ,
Step 5
When cooked, put in the salt. Then put in the coriander. Stir it all.
Such delicious casserole porridge is complete.

Casserole Porridge
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