The Fried Crayfish with Salt and Pepper
The fried crayfish with salt and pepper is a dish made of crayfish as the main ingredient, which belongs to the family dish.The crayfish likes other aquatic products, contains the mineral components necessary for human body, in which calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are more abundant, and iron, sulfur and copper are more important. The total amount of minerals in lobster is about 1,6%, in which the content of calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron are higher than that of general livestock and poultry meat, and also higher than that of prawn. Therefore, regular consumption of lobster meat can maintain the excitability of nerves and muscles.
How To Make The Fried Crayfish with Salt and Pepper
Step 1
When the oil is hot, pour in the ingredients, stir fry until fragrant, and then pour in the crawfish, mix well, put in several to three teaspoons of water (more can be put in more water), cover the pot for about five minutes, lift the lid, add salt and a little soy sauce, sprinkle a few drops of high alcohol, turn over slightly, put on the pot, and then put in a little green onion leaves.
The Fried Crayfish with Salt and Pepper
Equipment(affiliate link)
Ingredients(affiliate link)
- cayfish
- dried pepper
- red onion
- pricklyash
- fermented soy bean
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