Rib Calabash Soup
Food is not divided into levels, whether it is in the hotel or street food, as long as you like it is food. For those who love food, it is not just a taste enjoyment, but also a kind of spiritual enjoyment. Today I will share with my favorite food—rib calabash soup.So how to make rib calabash soup?Let’s take a look today.
How to Make Rib Calabash Soup
Step 1
Prepare ingredients. Wash the calabash and cut into strips.

Prepare ingredients.
Step 2
Soak the ribs with water for 5-6 hours. Change water multiple times during the period. The last time put in carved wine or wine to go fishy.

Soak the ribs with water
Step 3
Cook the ribs with water, then fish out and wash. Then put the ribs in a pressure cooker. Add the shallots, ginger and carved wine. After cooking for 15 minutes, wait until the pan is drained and open.

Cook the ribs with water
Step 4
Put in calabash and a moderate amount of salt. Continue to cook for 15 minutes.

Put in calabash
Such delicious rib calabash soup is complete.

Rib Calabash Soup
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