Mastering the Art of Cooking in Chinese Cooking Classes
You might have eaten a whole lot of Chinese foods at all the fast food joints and healthy takeout spots alike to a point where you can guess a dish by its aroma. Just like many other people, you most likely have been intrigued by the dishes to a point where you checked on different online recipes to try out the dishes at your home. Chances are, it did not turn out as you had expected, yet you really can’t figure out where you missed the point. For this reason, have you ever considered going for Chinese cooking classes?

Chinese cooking classes offered in different schools
There are countless Chinese cooking classes offered in different schools, some at private homes by experts. Irrespective of the learning institution (Counting the home-based learning) there are different programs which can be tailored to meet your specific needs, whether you are just starting out or an expert, who just desires to perfect the art. Also, even if you want to learn how to prepare a particular dish of interest, these Chinese cooking classes have got you covered. You might think that quickly skimming through the recipe book you bought the other day is the end to all means, but you will be disapproved as soon as you set your foot in the first class.
Interesting Things You’ll Learn in Chinese Cooking Classes
There is more to cooking classes than just food. While the statement might sound contradictory, you will definitely agree with me if you continue reading. Some of the things to learn in most Chinese culinary schools that you cannot find in an ordinary recipe include:
- History of Chinese cuisines
- The essentials of different cooking techniques such as steaming, stir-frying, preparation of raw plates, smoking and roasting.
- Getting it right with the traditional flavors. This is always a tricky part even for the seasoned cooks.
- Insight on Chinese cooking equipment and how to use them for maximum benefit.

different cooking techniques
Skills You Can Only find in Chinese Cooking Classes
Good Chinese cooking classes usually have at least one native Chinese chef onboard. Most people underestimate the numerous benefits that come with learning the art from a native Chef. That is because, such people posses some unique expertise and skills of maneuvering around different dishes; skills which is only passed through generations. Remember, Mama knows best, even when it comes to cooking, a single piece of their advice can turn a bland food into a sumptuous delicacy.

Skills You Can Only find in Chinese Cooking Classes
Even better are the cooking classes in which there are guest or visiting chefs. Professionals such as these, live for this type of work which involves imparting their knowledge to those who are eager to learn. Through them, you can get to develop an authentic skill of preparing the dishes, coupled with a vast array of ingredients and condiments and best practices while using them for maximum benefit. If you are fortuitous, you can also build your repertoire with dishes that are known by a few.
Places You Can Take Chinese Cooking Classes
Half Day Chengdu Courtyard Cooking Class with Local Spice Market Visit
A single Chinese cooking class takes about 5 hours. The striking bit about the cooking class is the fact that as part of the lesson, you are taken to a local Asiatic marketplace where you can explore the different spices and learn the common ingredients to be used in the cooking class. Furthermore, the classes are carried out in a local courtyard, where you will be treated with an excellently brewed cup of tea, and taught how to cook with professional chefs in an ultra-modern and cosy kitchen. The best part is that once the class is over, you will be treated to some of the dishes prepared by you and your classmates, alongside with some beverages such as beers.

Half Day Chengdu Courtyard Cooking Class with Local Spice Market Visit
Chinese Dumpling Cooking Class and Tasting
For a rich culinary immersion, then this is the place for you. In the three-hour class, you get to learn more about local specialties such as fried pot stickers, soup dumplings, wontons among others. Once you are done with the tour, you will be guided to prepare dim sum shrimp dumplings, after which you will feast on the ones you produce. Therefore, you have to be really careful when you are being taught. If you end up eating poor dumplings, you will have yourself to blame. Worth noting is the class is offered in English. Although, considerations can be made if you require another medium of instruction.

Chinese Dumpling Cooking Class and Tasting
Beijing Chinese Cooking Class
At Beijing Chinese Cooking class, you can learn how to make several dishes in the Chinese cuisines, taught by an expert chef. The class begins by taking a tour around a nearby market place, while learning about the food culture, and most importantly, how to identify and pick out fresh ingredients. You also get some insightful advice on working around Chinese cuisines. For a single class, you can decide to either learn and perfect the art of preparing dim sum, or learn several protein bases and vegetables such as kung pao chicken, sweet and sour pork, stir fried beef or chicken etc.

Beijing Chinese Cooking Class
Half Dy Dandan Noodles Cooking Class with Local Spice Market Visit
The four-hour cooking workshop is designed to ensure that you get the most out of Chinese cuisines, including visiting local markets to learn different Sichuan spices and condiments. The class is particularly curated for those who are interested in perfecting the art of preparing dandan noodles, under the instruction of an expert. One good thing about the class is that the time is usually not fixed, like in other classes. Therefore, you can take advantage of this Chinese cooking class to ensure that you learn all that you can about the dishes. However, the only downside of the class is that you learn to prepare only a single dish.

Half Dy Dandan Noodles Cooking Class with Local Spice Market Visit
Final Word
The Chinese cooking classes above are just but a few places where you can perfect your art of cooking your favorite dishes in the Chinese cuisines. You should weigh your options and determine whether you learn best while in a group setting or while alone. If you prefer the latter, you can check whether the cooking classes have arrangements for private classes.
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