Soybean Paste Soup
Food is not divided into levels, whether it is in the hotel or street food, as long as you like it is food. For those who love food, it is not just a taste enjoyment, but also a kind of spiritual enjoyment. Today I will share with my favorite food—soybean paste soup.So how to make soybean paste soup?Let’s take a look today.
How to Make Soybean Paste Soup
Step 1
After the rice has been washed, add the right amount of water. Wash the rice hard with both hands until the water turns milky white. Then pour into the casserole to make a spare.

After the rice has been washed
Step 2
Then put in the purple potato. Add the right amount of water. Put in an electric cooker and steam.

Then put in the purple potato.
Step 3
Clean all the greens and cut them into pieces for spare. (Of course, the ingredients can be matched to your own taste, and you can also put some beef or clams to make it even better)

Clean all the greens
Step 4
Wash the outer skin of the eggs. Soak in cold water for a few minutes. Then put in a pan, cook, fish out and rinse with cold water. And soak in the cool water again for a few minutes, so that the outer skin is easy to peel off.

Wash the outer skin of the eggs.
Step 5
Rice water can be boiled at the same time during the preparation of the eggs. And put 1 large spoonful of hot sauce and 2 large spoonfuls of hot sauce in the rice water. Stir until the sauce is completely dissolved. After boiling, add the potatoes, zucchini, mushrooms,enokitake, red peppers and tofu in turn. When all ingredients are cooked, add seasoning salt and chicken essence. And drop a little balsamic oil to turn off the fire.

Rice water can be boiled
Such delicious soybean paste soup is complete.

Soybean Paste Soup
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