magic Custard cake
“Magic Kasha cake is a magic cake, in the foreign food website has been a must bake a cake, have not eaten act quickly, can not be bought outside!The top layer is soft sponge, the middle is smooth pudding, and the bottom is chewy, like rice cake, but not as sticky as glutinous rice.”
How to make a magic Custard cake?
Step 1.
Ingredients: 4 eggs, 120g white sugar, 3-4 drops vanilla extract, 113g butter, 115g low powder, 500g milk, 15g water.

Ingredients: 4 eggs, 120g white sugar, 3-4 drops vanilla extract, 113g butter, 115g low powder, 500g milk, 15g water.
Step 2.
Divide the egg first.Add 60 grams of sugar to the egg whites in three separate batches. Beat until stiff peaks form. Set aside.

Divide the egg first.Add 60 grams of sugar to the egg whites in three separate batches. Beat until stiff peaks form. Set aside.
Step 3.
Add the remaining sugar to the egg yolks and beat until light yellow.

Add the remaining sugar to the egg yolks and beat until light yellow.
Step 4.
Add 3-4 drops vanilla extract and mix well.

Add 3-4 drops vanilla extract and mix well.
Step 5.
Add the liquid butter and mix well.

Add the liquid butter and mix well.
Step 6.
Sift in the flour and quickly mix until no dry powder is present.

Sift in the flour and quickly mix until no dry powder is present.
Step 7.
Add the milk and water into the batter in batches, stirring well each time before adding the next one.

Add the milk and water into the batter in batches, stirring well each time before adding the next one.
Step 8.
Add the whisked egg whites in 3 rounds and quickly circle to fuse.

Add the whisked egg whites in 3 rounds and quickly circle to fuse.
Step 9.
Pour the soup-like batter into the baking pan.

Pour the soup-like batter into the baking pan.
Step 10.
Preheat the oven ahead of time. Bake in the middle, 160 degrees, about 45 minutes.Bake until golden brown and the toothpick comes out clean when inserted.

Preheat the oven ahead of time. Bake in the middle, 160 degrees, about 45 minutes.Bake until golden brown and the toothpick comes out clean when inserted.
Cooking techniques
Let cool in a baking pan to room temperature, then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour or so to help set. That will be fine
Cut a lot.
It is best to use an integrated baking sheet, if you use a separate baking sheet must be lined with greasy paper, the batter is more soup, easy to leak out.
The time and temperature are adjusted according to your own oven.
The baking pan should not be too large, the baking pan is large, the cake is thin, stratification is not obvious.I’m using a 12-inch square mold, which is roughly 22 * 22.
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