coconut milk osmanthus cake.
Coconut Milk Osmanthus Cake
“It’s very delicious, you can eat it for afternoon tea or supper! ”
The practice of coconut milk osmanthus cake
Step 1
Soak 40g gelatin powder fully with appropriate amount of cold boiling water until all become transparent, then heat to a liquid state in water, and set aside. (Last time a girl said that the gelatin film was not easy to use. Today I changed the gelatin powder.)

Soak 40g gelatin powder fully with appropriate amount of cold boiling water until all become transparent
Step 2
Mixing and heating coconut milk, whipped cream, and white sugar are put into a pot and heated. After the sugar is dissolved, add half of the gelatin powder liquid and stir until there is no particles.

Mixing and heating coconut milk
Step 3
Pour the pure milk into 2 and mix well, then pour into the container and put it in the refrigerator to freeze until it solidifies.

Pour the pure milk into 2 and mix well
Step 4
Put 300ML water and 40G sugar in a pot and boil it. After the sugar has melted, add the remaining gelatin powder liquid and stir until there is no particles.

Put 300ML water and 40G sugar in a pot and boil it
Step 5
Add sugar osmanthus to the cooked sugar water, stir well and let cool.

Add sugar osmanthus to the cooked sugar water
Step 6
Pour osmanthus solution on the coconut milk cake.
Take out the solidified coconut milk cake, pour the osmanthus solution slightly cooler, and put it in the refrigerator to freeze until it solidifies. After taking it out, cut it into small pieces and eat it. Finally, you get home cooking coconut milk osmanthus cake.

Pour osmanthus solution on the coconut milk cake.
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