Charcoal bread — Depp’s recipe for baking
“Depp oven setting: fast heat 180 degrees, middle heat, preheat 6min, bake 14min
Time 120min, difficulty 3 stars, 4 people”
How to make Charcoal bread — Depp’s recipe for baking
Step 1
Raw material:
250 grams of high flour, 45 grams of sugar, 3 grams of yeast, 3 grams of salt, 155 grams of water, 40 grams of laomian, 1.5 grams of bamboo charcoal powder, a little chocolate beans

Raw material:
Step 2
Pour the high flour, sugar, yeast, salt and bamboo toner into a mixture and mix well;

Pour the high flour, sugar
Step 3
Add water and old flour and stir quickly until the surface of the dough is smooth and the film can be pulled out.

Add water and old flour and stir quickly
Step 4
Knead the dough and relax for 15 minutes;

Knead the dough and relax for 15 minutes;
Step 5
Divide it into 80g pieces, knead the circle and relax for 10min;

Divide it into 80g pieces, knead the circle and relax for 10min;
Step 6
Fold in the chocolate beans and size into a baking pan;

Fold in the chocolate beans and size into a baking pan;
Step 7
Awake for 60min to twice the size;

Awake for 60min to twice the size;
Step 8
Surface decoration, put into The Depp oven, hot 185 ° C, bake for 14min;

Surface decoration, put into The Depp oven, hot 185 ° C, bake for 14min;
Step 9
At the beginning of dough mixing, dry powder will fly out. You can mix the dough at a slow speed without dry powder.
The dough can be shaped according to personal preference, decorate at will

Charcoal bread — Depp’s recipe for baking
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