Bitter Melon Soybean Soup
Food is not divided into levels, whether it is in the hotel or street food, as long as you like it is food. For those who love food, it is not just a taste enjoyment, but also a kind of spiritual enjoyment. Today I will share with my favorite food—bitter melon soybean soup.So how to make bitter melon soybean soup?Let’s take a look today.
How to Make Bitter Melon Soybean Soup
Step 1
Prepare the ingredients used and soak the soybeans half an hour early to spare.

Prepare the ingredients used
Step 2
Put the soaked ingredients in an electric pressure cooker. Choose the bean cooking function and cook for 40 minutes.

Put the soaked ingredients
Step 3
Deseed the bitter melon, clean, cut into pieces and put it in a pan.

Deseed the bitter melon
Step 4
After 20 minutes of cooking, season with the fine salt and medlar.

After 20 minutes of cooking,
Such delicious bitter melon soybean soup is complete.

Bitter Melon Soybean Soup
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